Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Stitch, bind, fold

Some snaps from the latest experiment on shibori techniques

This week I made some of the Indun and Cakra shawls again. But I kinda bored with the dyeing techniques that I've been use for millions of times. I used to do the marbling techniques, well I must say its my favorite dyeing result, but some people start to compare my works with one of the well-known designer that getting famous for her dyeing  works, which is sucks.. because some people think I'm copying her, despite the fact that when I start dyeing, I don't even know her, nor her work :(..

Well, anyhow, I start doing some more research in dyeing techniques, and again, I stumbled upon the shibori techniques. If you remember, I have been try to do one of the technique in my collection, and it went pretty good. So again, I decided to do some shibori experiment, this time I do the pole wrapping in PVC and the a simple rubber band technique. Actually I also do the stitching technique, but it went horrible, because I use a new kind of textile that I haven't been familiar with, and apparently the fiber's gap are bigger than I though. By the way, here are my two most successful results, what do you think?

Oh yeah, if you also interested in doing your own shibori project,  here's one of the tutorial I use in making my own project. ejoy :)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mbak kiki....blognya menarik sekali. Saya juga sedang menyukai teknik shibori. Untuk teknik yang menggunakan benang,benang jenis/ merk apa yg digunakan? Karena sy mencoba menggunakan benang kasur. Kok tidak bisa menghasilkan perbedaan warna alias warnanya tembus pada bagian yg diikat. Terima kasih:)