About Draoupads

Draoupads is an accesory and clothing brand made in Indonesia, founded in 2010 by Atinna Rizqiana (Kiki). The name 'draoupads' was inspired by one of the mythological figures from the story of Mahabharata, "Drupadi". Our pieces are mostly influenced by the nature, culture and folklore from our country that is famous for its rich cultural heritage. We apply the tie-dye methods on most of our piece with the touch of materials that reflect the diversity of Indonesian culture and history, such as batik and ikat

Every Draoupads product comes from a labor of love. Each piece is handmade so that there are no pieces that really look alike. The same treatment appllies to all batik material used, they come from the one and only antique fabric that breathes out historical and the romantics feeling of untold stories. Because we believe that each piece of our work represents the individual within you that is both fascinating and unique.

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And please stop by to our facebook store at

Warm hugs