Tuesday, October 9, 2012


"Home is where the heart is"... Yikes.. It does sounds cheesy isn't it?.. Sorry, that's the only phrase that comes in my head right now, in this one crazy hot mid day in Jogja, phew..
Anyway, this is the post I've been talking about lately, regarding to the reason of why I put draoupads in a hiatus moment for some time, and recently some of you might confuse why I start to sent Draoupads product from Jogja (again). Well, this.. is people, I must say 'a confession post'. And yess, if you're guessing that I have came back to Jogja.. then you, my dear, are just.... definitely, correct. :)

About a year earlier, I've decided to go move to Bogor along with Draoupads. Well, I must say, I don't have enough option to stay in Jogja, despite how much I love the city. My impulsive decision to quit my day job and start my own label without having enough consideration, in terms of financially and strategically, made me have to accept the fact that I don't have enough fund, even just to support my life. So there it goes.. I packed my bags, my clothes, all of draoupads production items, I even sent some of my furniture to Bogor. But one thing for sure, I still left a big piece of my heart in the city. 
And then I start to live my life, in Bogor (and Jakarta). I though it won't be that hard to, again,  adapt my life in that two cities, since I was born and raised in Jakarta, and Bogor is not far from Jakarta and Depok (the place where I use to live for my 6 years of college. Oh yess, you read it right, six years.. What can I say..I love being in college! Hahahaaa..). So I start to sew again, and dye-ing, designing more draoupads product, I even start my new job as a researcher, while still doing some translating job. And things are going pretty smoothly, I found myself captivated in the researching field, and  finally able to gain my financial freedom back. But then.. something is still missing.. I can't seem to enjoy my existence in Jakarta nor Bogor. I can't figure out why, most of my friends are in Jakarta, and I can meet them anytime, so does my family, especially my nephews and nieces. Call me dramatic or melancholic but I can't lie,  I still feel this hollow feeling inside. And yess I know its weird, since it had nothing to do with any real romantic feeling in terms of real thing, such as...people.
And then, there comes the decision, it starts with my consciousness that, anytime, whenever I was out of town, especially when I go to some place where I'm doing my research, one place I always thinking about going home is Jogja, not Jakarta, nor Bogor. Until finally I decided that I will going back to Jogja. I kept this  to myself, while I'm saving some money for my moving and start again draoupads in a more sustainable spirit. Off course many people were pretty shocked, but those who know me well, such as my mother and some of my best friends just instantly understand. Oh, one more thing! You won't believe this.. but Dinda is happen to be just accepted in UGM (Universitas Gajah Mada)!! It's official then. 
So here I am, safe and sound, back in Jogja, in a place I can happily say as my 'home'. :)

Oh shooh.. I almost forgot!  this is some peek of the new draoupads studio. I can't gave you more, since there are still a lot things to be done. Most of draoupads fabric and production items are also still in Bogor. I share the place with my friends. Its a big and nice place, good lighting, and it have this rustic and historic feelings in it. Its a love at first sight indeed: 
- This is the room that I'm going to use, this is one of the four rooms they got, and for me, this is the best one
- And this will be some of my 'spot', can't wait to fill it!
- Some of my friends stuff, he's a photographer and this is some of his brilliant work
- Mr. Piggy! (Or Miss..I'm not sure) along with Avo (my bike) and a shelf I bought in an extremely reasonable price at Ace Hardware. We plan to use the spot as our showcase spot for some of our products and works.

So, there you go! BIG Love from Jogja

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