Sunday, March 18, 2012

The March Edition Shawl

Remember one of the post I tell you about trying new dyeing method with yarn?  Well, here goes the result!!
 I made a new design out of it, and call it "Kandil". When I design it, I was thinking about making a simple yet fun shawl. The kind of shawl that you can just wear it and have fun with it, in a simple way. So I made a shawl design that you can adjust the lenght and style. I still didn't have time to do a posting about how many style that you can do with the shawl, I hope I can do it soon. But I'm sure you can found more than enough way before I even publish the posting ;).

Besides the new design,  I also add some draoupads's classic design; "Kayon". 
The collection went all booked, and I feel bad, because I never though the response would be that good, so I didn't produce many. 
But don't worry, at this point I am starting to produce some more of Kandil and Kayon shawls!
I promise I will update it as soon as the collections are ready to be shipped! 

To get more look about the March Collection go click here

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