Oke, first of all..... NO.. This posting have noooo conection with film India, Raam Punjabi sinetron, another song from Kangen Band, nor anything about the book bomb package (walaupun tidak bisa dipungkiri berita tentang salah duga paket bom, sungguh hiburan yang berharga.. especially that women undies part.. Wakakkaaakkk..)
Saya selalu senang mendapat kado, tidak peduli isinya cuma seperangkat pensil warna, buku atau kalung berlian, baiklah, saya terlalu mengada-ada, I don't even think I will wear it, if get one.. Wait,.. I don't even think I WILL get one.... (kecuali saya adalah syahrini).
Perasaan membuka perlahan kertas kado, membaca kartu ucapan, all the wandering questions about " wonder what's inside it". It's fun to know how someone wants to put some effort for me. And that's exactly the kind of feelings I want people who buy my shawl feels when they opening my package. Lila says I put too much effort for my draoupads packaging (I can spend one whole day only to do some draoupads packaging), but I really don't think it that way... From the way they appreciate my work, I do believe its worth an effort!! :)
Off course, its not a gift when there's no greeting card attached on it!
And let me introduce my first (and only) fans: Coki. Its exactly the piece of meat covered with brown fur and zero brain, whom peacefully sleeping beside my feet. This is Lila n Abu's dog, it was our office dog, well that's a long story. He is my most loyal mate in most draoupads process, including the packaging part.
So people, if you order one of draoupads shawl, this is approximately what you will get ;)
aah kiki..akupun demikiaan.. sehari cuma buat bikin box, nulis kartu, ngecap sana-ngecap sini dan mbungkus.. hihihi.. akupun senang kalo beli sesuatu dibungkus bagus.. setuju banget, rasa buka bungkus yg bagus (kado atau paket belian) itu gimanaaa gitu.. langsung mengambil hati gitu.. ;)
Percisss! Ayo, kapan kita tukeran kado?!! Hehehheee...
Wah... thank you,,,,
jadi ga sabar kalau nanti barangnya sampai langsung deh ku pakai :D
Yiay.. Nanti kalo udah sampe poto2 sama syalnya ya! Hehehehe.... Btw, I hope I didn't ruin the surprise by already uploading your greeting card..:|
ralat: coki bukan zero brain. He's the smartest and kindest dog ever! hehehhee... (emaknya protes).
Semoga semua yang menerima paket draoupads seneng membuka bungkusan manisnya ya... gue tau banget, semuanya dikemas dengan penuh asmara, keseriusan dan komitmen. :)
Hahaahaa... Oke deh Lilcee.. Ralat: Coki is NOT having zero brain, he just got less brain than any other dogs I've known have ;P..
Thanks a bunch for everything my dear lilce.... okay, and Coki! Happy?
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